Friday, February 22, 2008

The walk

I stayed home today while the rest was shopping (Well done eh, Kona? ;-)

So I took Mason for a walk. It was very windy, of course you can't really see that...

Mason and I didn't care much. He was sniffin'...

... and I was making photo's of things he sniffed.

For some reason I saw pretty flowers everywhere today. It was just one of those days I guess.

Check out the bark on this tree. I doubt Mason noticed it...

These little flowers were on the ground partly covered by leaves. Mason doesn't really see them. He steps right on them.

When I came home I decided it was time to fix my lamp. It only has an incredible clumsy switch deep inside the lampshade. Can't have that of course. Admire the result here.


Friðvin said...

Sometimes txrad and I do this waiting game during the day. I'm waiting on him to go out and do the shopping chores, and he's waiting on me. The problem is, I tend to take a shower first and then he'll wait and have that as an excuse not to go out.

It is quite clever of him.

Vincent said...

@ Kona: Hehe, it's his time or no time eh?