Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The cheese feast

Last night before going to bed I found this "butt-crack" pillow. Hilarious.

Early morning I picked apples from the apple tree. Nicole now has the task to turn these into some serious apple pie action :-)

We had a lot of phone action this morning. I spoke with 2 other recruiters who both seemed interested. With at least 1 of them (and probably the other too) I will arrange an interview. I would say there is a healthy amount of interest in my skills here which I am very happy with.

And then it was time for tennis again. Karin kicked my ass again by 6-4 in a 1 set match. Great fun, great shots, lots of sweat and swearing.

We are improving a lot every time we play. Both our serves are getting faster. I do believe karin actually aced me today, hmmm, can't have that of course ;-P

And then at home: dinner. Already ate fish for lunch so I took the good old Gouda out of the fridge and create a cheese feast.


Friðvin said...

Mmmmm Gouda. I love that.

Now I'm wanting a cheese feast.

That butt-crack pillow was hilarious. I was staring at it for several seconds before I could read what you wrote. I was trying to figure out what that had to do with cheese, and to whom the butt belonged.

marian said...

leuk kussen lijkt ergens op!!!
wss de appeltaart lekker????

Sneezer said...

The pillow is too real for words. I must admit, it took me a few seconds to figure out it was just pillow. well done.

Vincent said...

@ Kona, Sn33z0r & ma: Yeah. Really we put little dwarfes in our pillows. You should give it a try, they're nice and soft ;-)