Thursday, February 28, 2008

The city and the bowls

I had an interview in the morning. It went rather well I thought. If these people make me an offer I'd be very pleased. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

Before I went in I had a drink outside because I was a bit early. The office is in the city, it looks cool, I like high rises.

It was sunny and warm. Not sweaty warm, but nice warm.

This plaque on the building basically says "You only live once, try to be nice". I like that a lot.

Went to walk mason when we came home. I find it incredibly relaxing and it's good exercise for me too. And it's nice for The Mase as well. On our way we saw this van. How can there be a plural? I thought I was the only one?

Mason was a good boy. he sits at the curb often without even telling him to. And he's becoming easier to walk. I try walking him exactly the same route everyday now. Takes about 45 minutes on a nice pace.


Aaaaaand off to the bowls. Yours truely sucketh mucho ass tonight but it was still fun. Frame 1.

Frame 2.

Frame 3.

Frame 4.


marian said...

hoop dat de sollicitatie cusses vol was, goed gevoel er over ??
gr ma.

Vincent said...

@ Ma: De sollicitatie verliep volgens mij bijna perfect. Ik hield er zelf in ieder geval een heel goed gevoel aan over. Ik hoop dat mijn interviewers hetzelfde denken.

Anonymous said...

Hope something good comes out of this interview. Were you very impressing? :)

Anonymous said...

Lekker diner! Ik ga misschien dit weekend een appeltaart bakken.

Vincent said...

@ Crey: Well, my resume surely isn't bad I think. 9 years of experience taught me a LOT ;-)

@ Ilse: Succes!