Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Largs jetty

I drove us to the mall in the morning. We arrived in one piece. Nic bought more minutes for her phone.

Saw some imported cheese at the Italian deli.

Completely random view in the supermarket. Really!

Just to prove it was random, here's another random view.

In the afternoon I walked Mason.

It was sunny but windy.

In the evening I drove to Largs bay. In the kiosk (that used to be run by a Dutchie and still sells speculaas and kroketten!) they have old photo's of the jetty, very old photo's. It seems it functioned as a bit of a sea port in the days of way back.

A steam train went all the way to the end and the jetty seemed much longer than it is now, also much wider, at least 4 train tracks wide.

The beach was wild, there was a very strong wind and the clouds were big.

We fed the gulls again. Some are not afraid to eat out of your hand.

The jetty.

The water reached all the way to the dunes. It actually made the dunes a bit smaller. As you can see some dune-grass has been pulled down. Not good.

It was getting greyer and windier and it would start to rain soon (which gave me my first rain-driving experience!)

My little homie ;-)



kees said...

I would have preferred a close-up of the first random photo...

Anonymous said...

leuke foto van jullie saampjes.
ik wil ook aan het water zitten en lekker eten met lekker weer. ipv thuis naast de hoog opgestookte kachel te zitten terwijl het buiten sneeuwt. of hagelt. of regent. maar hebben voornamelijk sneeuw gehad hiero de laatste 3 dagen. zucht. nog 7 weken en dan mag ik op vakantie :)


Jo said...

ff testen of ik nu een id heb...

Vincent said...

@ Kees: You can magnify the photo and drool over the pixels ;-P

@ Jo: Ik heb het gehoord. Maart roert zijn staart erg hard dit jaar lijkt het.

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