Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The protest

During my lunch I went to a dental office. It's opposite parliament house where teachers were protesting.

It's the same as anywhere else. They want a better work-life balance and an increased pay which translates to: we want to do less for more. Fair enough.

On my way to the bus stop after work I saw the old tram. It's quite beautiful.


Sneezer said...

Good teachers should be rewarded.

Nicole said...

SUZANNE - I agree, but these folks are already paid more than the average Australian, get more benefits and a heap more holidays. I'm not exactly sure that I'm on their side, especially at this time of economic strife. It's easy for them to make demands because they have good hostages (just like doctors and transport workers). They also want 6 months paid maternity leave, which I am all for, but in this case no, because why should they have it and other workers can't? The maternity leave needs to be sorted out by the government for everyone.

I would love to see a pay system based on the success and happiness of the children they teach.