Monday, October 20, 2008

Guinness is good for you!

A company called "Vermeer" (that's Dutch) was drilling a new pipe in to the ground at Victoria square.

Because of this I sat on the other side. I think also because of this the fountain was turned off.

View up King William Street.

After work I went to chu.... naaaaahhh. I went to the PUB!

On the way there (Karin, are you paying attention?!) I spotted another golden Toyota Corolla with spoiler even.

Now that we have daylight savings it's light enough for even my camera (phone) to take photo's inside the pub. Even though they make it look like it's the middle of winter.

I had a pint of Guinness for a change. I was starting to get withdrawal symptoms. Not good. Guess who's going to be smelly tomorrow? ;-P

Nic checking the menu. At P.J's they make amazing bruschettas. Just delicious. It's a small piece of toasted bread with a TON of tomato on it and cheese and basil and olive oil. I don't even like tomato usually but this is simply fantastic.


kees said...

The bruschetta in combination with the Guinness sound like a combination that'd go pffffeeeeep at work...

Maybe Karin should stop looking at Toyota Corollas and start looking at the Prius.

My nephew Mike is very satisfied with his. He says it gives him good low-exhaust mileage in town when running on the batteries.

Out on the motorway (130kmh) he was doing about 6.5L/100km if I remember correctly. Mike says that's good for that size of car. Lots of room inside, too!

Anonymous said...

I hear ya and there I thought I was the only one on the road! Karin :-)

Gledwood said...

Do they use the public highway as a conduit to bury every type of gas pipe, electricity cable, tv/broadband/telephone cable etc etc etc in short so half the roadworks have nothing to do with resurfacing and everything to do with infrastructure that should be buried ELSEWHERE not under where we bloody drive!!

Gledwood said...

in fact it was my bright idea that all that other stuff should go in the sewer... why not!!

CRAIG said...

Nnext to my office is a fairly new "heavy equipment rental" place. They were having an open house so I went and got a baseball cap that is embroidered with "Vermeer"
I never knew exactly what it was but I suppose some sort of tracor-back hoe-crane-thing-a-ma-jig