Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas, dear reader.

After a lot of research online last night I found a way to create a Windows XP setup out of an existing installation of Windows. Interested geeks (Gerrit, Kees and Mic, are you paying attention? ;-) can read more on this on my Creative blog.

Traditionally lots of people have a bbq on Christmas day. So did we.

But for the first time we sat in the garden under the big apple tree instead of in the kitchen. Lots better I think. It was very nice.

Mason also got some Christmas extras.

Nicole found a little spider in a cup she got from the cupboard. It was small (it was bigger than what this photo shows though) but it had 3mm long fangs so we treated it with respect and put it back in the garden far away from our flat.

The pigeons have fights sometimes. I had never seen that until I came here. They basically hit each other with their wings. They can not do any serious damage like that but they hit each other frantically for about five minutes.

I was giving the doves some Christmas food as well. Of course Mason runs to you immediately when you squat like this but once positioned properly he's a good boy.


marian said...

leuk om jullie zo bij elkaar te zien, en mooi weer ook. gezellig.
we missen jullie!!

Anonymous said...

Nou, zo'n vleugel kan hard aankomen denk ik, haha. Apart, heb het ook nog nooit gezien. Grappig dat je het op de foto hebt kunnen krijgen.

Buiten eten is toch veel lekkerder en dat hoort ook bij bbq-en. T ziet er lekker uit, het eten. En gezellig dat iedereen er was:-)

Anonymous said...

Trouwens'; mijn blog is weer ge-update hoor;-)

Ik had last van te weinig tijd, de afgelopen weken. Daarom heb ik hem weinig voorzien van een update.