Monday, March 16, 2009

Today was OK

This is where I get my beetroot+pineapple juice. They also sell flowers and it's the biggest collection of REAL flowers that are for sale that I have ever seen in this country. It smelled nice too.

So I bought my juice and a garlic bread (little, thick and round piece) and I sat down.

I noticed there was a young guy playing the guitar and opposite him was a bum, listening.

But as it was lunch time it was very busy and making photos was difficult with all those people.

So I just took lots of photos.

It ended up being a nice collection of photos so I decided to keep almost all of them.

This was my view in front of me to the left.

And my view in front of me to the right.

To my very left...

When I finished my lunch I got up and listened a bit closer. He was pretty good. The songs reminded me of Johnny Cash and so did he. I dropped him a coin and told him I liked the songs. He thanked me and then it was back to the office for me. I'd rather stayed.

Work-wise my day was good as well. A late afternoon discovery fixed a very important issue we were having with some software. Must document that feature tomorrow!

1 comment:

Gledwood said...

flower shop reminds me o' Liquorishe Allsorts... know what I mean?

Also Australian buildings look like American ones, barely real, filmsetty, know wharreye mean?

Are they actually made out of stone? Or just polystyrene stuff..??