Friday, May 15, 2009

Shit weather again.

I got a toasted ham/cheese croissant from Cibo this morning.

I had to wait a bit but it wasn't very boring or anything ;-)

The weather on the other hand was horrible.


CRAIG said...

Autumn has really moved in on ya'll! Seemslike it wasn't that long ago that is was 50 Celcius

Vincent said...

Yeah I know! It feels like seasons change sudden here. But that's more because I'm used to the Dutch seasons never changing really. It's always shit weather there. Well, most of the time ;-)

Anonymous said...

Zie ik nou die hele vitrine vol met overheerlijk belegde broodjes liggen?

Mooie tent, zoiets hebben wij hier niet, dat je in de ohctend voor je werk al even een bak koffie kan halen. En een broodje.

Vincent said...

@ Ilse: Het wemelt hier van dat soort tenten. Heel goed :-)