Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Shit weather.

I slept wonderfully, until 4:30 when I needed to go to the loo and the cold woke me up for the rest of the day. When I left for work I found little doggy foot prints on the veranda.

The weather was stunning today... Not.

The most colourful thing that happened today was this cake made by my boss' kids. I think they had to get rid of 20Kg of left over sugar or something ;-)

It was great to taste some sugar again though because I've cut myself off of the sugar 6 weeks ago.

I caught this ambulance driving the wrong way. Should I report it? ;-P


marian said...

wat een zoetigheid zeg, wel leuk gemaakt.

Cassie said...

Heeft het al effect gehad. 6 weken geen suiker in combinatie met de crosstrainer?

Anders kan ik je wel een maag darm virus aanraden, ik ben 4 kilo kwijt in 1 dag. Pff nee, dat wens ik toch niemand toe, ik heb me nog nooit zo beroerd gevoeld als maandag. Ilse trouwens ook niet.

Gledwood said...

That 2nd photo down looks like NYC and the train looks like a modern British one like I caught the other day (just kidding but my Dad goes on and on about steam ones. He said he used to hop down on the track and put his ear to the rails to hear oncoming traffic (!!) hmmm.......

Gledwood said...

na hoor! ik sprek' ook een beetje nederlands, weet u wel??

Gledwood said...

of is het "nej hoor" ~ dat weet ik niet

Vincent said...

@ Cas: Gaat lekker bij jullie zeg. Da's 4 kilo vocht die je kwijt bent, geen vet ;-)

@ Gled: I think you mean "nee hoor". "Nee" = "No". But I don't see how that relates to anything here to be honest :-|