Thursday, June 25, 2009


Sky-line close-up.

This is my colleague Mohit, busy controlling the world.

At some point I looked at my hand while reading and it instantly reminded me of a card from the game Magic, the gathering.

I just knew I'd seen a hand like this. I thought there was a card with a bigger hand on it but this must be the one: Cancel. I wish i could do this for real :-)


Gledwood said...

That person on the playing card thing looks like my old games teacher from school...

Gledwood said...

ps I did know the George whatsisname project were Dutch but was so taken in by the incredibly authentic "Spanishness" of it all it had to be listed under "Spanish" songs. It's like when you have fish and chips in Bendiorm and the fish is locally caught ~ that makes it authentically Spanish dinner!!