Saturday, September 12, 2009

I got a bag :-)

Morning clouds. It was warm today because the wind was Northerly. Which means it comes from the desert.

We had breakfast in town. We also did some shopping and I saw one of my favorite street artists. This guys is cool to watch. Nicole wanted to touch his hair BADLY! ;-)

One of the mall's balls.

We went to the Crumpler shop because nicole wanted to buy me a birthday present.

(Click to enlarge)
I saw a bit of a show where some girl wormed her self in to a glass cube. She was pretty good.

We also went to the central market.

Then we had a short break at home. We are calling this pigeon David Bowie because she has two different colored eyes. One is very bright and the other is very dark. She seems to use both. She loves to peck our toes for some reason. And also hands. Well, in my case she loves my silver ring...

After a short break we got the car washed and cleaned and we drove it down to the Croatian Club to make photos of it for when we sell the car. Luckily we managed to do this while there was still sun. It's raining again now and will do so for a few days I believe...

This is the bag Nicole bought for me. It's for my little netbook and its accesories. It will also hold travel documents and lots of other handy things. It's also very safe. I love it very much :-)


Gledwood said...

When I went to Holland they had things like that in their "precincts" as we called them back then...

I have a picture of my brother in a mall in ... God knows where ... maybe Utrecht?~ sticking his head in a red frog-shaped rubbish bin.

This was the very early 1980s. Britain was under a grey haze of grey skies and a grey iron lady. Nuclear attack threatened us all. Our dustbins were strictly utilitarian back then and still mostly are. Perhaps the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chealsea's bins are a little more ornate than the average... But not much ...


All my life I swear I'm never going to pronounce "mall" to rhyme with "ball"!!

marian said...

een mooi moet wel super lenig zijn om in zo'n glazen kubus te passen.