Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

My second parcel arrived from Australia. Customs had opened it but it was all cool. it had an insane ammount of stamps on it coz at the post office in Adelaide they had ordered a few too many stamps and they needed to get rid of them so they came in handy on my box.

My dad likes stamps a bit too much so great care had to be taken to remove the other stuff.

In it were very prescious glass paintings made by an aboriginal artist. I was very happy to see them again. They mean a lot to me. From left to right are depicted: A Barramundi, a roo and a platypuss.

My sister gave me back my grandma's plant. I love the plant but it has been standing in one position too long. I will have to straighten it out again...

Early evening mic picked me up and we went to Mulligans for the annual Halloween party. We walked over the flower market.

Kees and Nantko.

Mic, Alex, Barry and Cathelijne.

Danny and Petra. I hardly recognised Petra. It was only when she was like 50 cm away from me for about a minute that I recognised her. Very well done.

Kees and Danny.

Paddy and Marjolein.

It was actually a very nice evening, not as crowded and drunk as I thought it would get. It was great to see so many friends of mine in one place. I missed that in Australia. Bring on new years eve :-)

The band was good too. Young blokes but they played nice tunes.


Anonymous said...

Glad you received the 2 parcel !
Other post is coming soon, I'll send it to you next week.
Vicky xx

Ilse said...

Oma's plant was niet zo krom hier hoor, dat komt van het vervoeren in de auto, hij stond krom tegen het dak. Die kronkel was ik eruit aan het kweken, ik draaide hem steeds zo, zodat hij naar het licht toe moest groeien.

Gaaf die glazen! Echt mooi!

Gianna said...

Hi Vince!
Have just been catching up with your return to Amsterdam and it is great to see your blog up and running again.
Your new apartment looks nice and I wish you all the best for your job interview.

Take care,