Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I got insured again.

When I woke up I heard a feral bloody kid outside. It kept screaming and wanted something from his mom. Mom didn't give a fuck though and happily let it cry for 10 minutes. Stupid woman.

I walked to my local insurance office and got me some insurances.

I passed this church. Passed it many times on the bus, never on foot.

I arrived 30 minutes early and waited in a snackbar with chips and peanut sauce.

In the evening I drove to Mulligans to buy drinks for friends. It was a lovely evening.


angeli said...

I suggest you invest in a 'high tech' water pistol and the next time the little bugger has a tantrum, load it up with ice cold water and let it rip on both mom and tot.

Vincent said...

@ Angeli: I like how you think! ;-)