Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cheese, and more cheese.

I bought this delicious cheese yesterday. It's soft and creamy.

I also wrote some Christmas cards.

(Click to enlarge)
And then I made crackers with pesto-brie. Rather delicious as well.

In the evening I walked to Mulligans. Some people put their Christmas decorations inside AND outside.

There was a very big group of musicians in Mulligans. It was great but I had to leave early since I'm working tomorrow...

I love the name of this hairdresser. You will understand if you are Dutch only, sorry.

1 comment:

Ilse said...

Die naam van die kapper is inderdaad erg leuk gevonden. Hier is ergens een huis, dat lijkt wel een kermis, zoveel verlichting, niet normaal!

En brie met pesto... ik ben benieuwd hoe dat smaakt, misschien moet ik eens wat halen.