Friday, December 18, 2009

"Kate" curry.

Crossing the water in the morning.

Sailing boat.

Retired Sovjet sub now called "Psycho cowboy".

My colleague next to me made us a Christmas tree. It's the best we got in our office... :-)

Another colleague had her birthday and she must have spent a whole day cooking coz this is what she brought to work. It was good too!

Another Christmas card arrived.

My "Kate" curry. It was even better the second day!

I had to do tons of things in the evening. Two of them were mailing Christmas cards and putting out the rubbish. It was snowing.


Teezy said...

I don't know how I found your blog, but I have been reading it for a couple of weeks now and I really enjoy it.

The photos are great. It fascinates me to see how people live in other parts of the world. You have inspired me to start posting more pictures of Santa Fe on my blog.

BTW, what is oliebollen? The photo makes them look like potatoes :).

Have a merry Christmas and I look forward to reading more.

Vincent said...

@ Teezy: Hi there! Oliebollen are dough balls, simply put. I never made any myself but you can google the recipe if you like :-)

Enjoy my blog and have a merry Christmas, too!