Thursday, December 17, 2009

Snow, slippers and curry.

It snowed last night!

First snow for me in years.

It wasn't much in A'dam. Elsewhere in NL they got 30cm!

Leidseplein on the way to work.

The ferries (that I do NOT take).

Waiting for mine.

My foot steps in fresh snow.

After work I went shopping. I wanted new slippers. I couldn't find good ones anywhere except at this shoe shop where I bought my suit-shoes "van Lier". And they are good! I bought one pair for at home and one pair for work. I need to be comfortable, otherwise I enjoy my life less and that cannot happen. So it was money well spent.

Because I missed the oliebollen at work today (coz my colleagues ate them all while I was on the toilet!) I bought one on my way home. It was delicious! At the front are the ones with rasins (actually called 'krentenbollen' and further back without rasins, the normal 'oliebollen'.

My new slippers. They probably look very old fashioned but it's the only kind I'll wear. Everything else sucks I think ;-P

I received two Christmas cards today :-)

In the evening I cooked a curry based on Indian butter chicken. It was exciting!

It was very nice but it was a little bit overcooked I think. And the onion and chili got rid of the butter chicken flavour but also made the dish healthier and more diverse. I cooked brown rice with it and green beans. It was a lovely meal that I will have again tomorrow :-)


marian said...

mmm, ziet er lekker uit.

devra said...
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devra said...

That 'stealth' mode comes in handy.

Good to see you're building your shoe collection :-p

Ilse said...

Heb je die kip ook gefrituurd of hoe heb je dat gedaan? Misschien is het handig als je ons even het recept mailt. Ik vind het er erg lekker uitzien!

Die slippers zien er anders uit dan de slippers die je normaal hebt. Ze zien er moderner uit.

En leuk he, die sneeuw, hier heeft het gisteravond flink gesneeuwd, er ligt best een laag nu. Ik ben heerlijk vrij en ben blij dat ik niet de weg op hoef voor werk.
Goed weekend en veel plezier op het feest waarbij je je vikingpak aan moet, Ik ben benieuwd naar de foto's!