Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The juicer.

Effe afstappe bro...

The fridge at my work is always full. It's just beautiful. I had to take a picture.

I needed to microwave my lunch but when I got to our kitchen it was occupied by a group of colleagues cooking hamburgers and using the microwave to grill bread rolls. So I had to go all the way down stairs to use the micro wave. And there I found this juicer! I made a glass, it was delicious. (The glass in the picture is for the drips btw...)

(Click to enlarge)
Our office building is really in between a few ship yards.

(Click to enlarge)
Quite cool views I think.


Gledwood said...

That juicer looks like a very posh hamster house from Harrods or somewhere ..!

s g collins said...

dude there are two flying saucers visiting you in the picture with the cranes. see on the right hand side.

Vincent said...

@ Gled: I do not recommend putting hamsters in the juicer ;-)

@ Collins: Nah, they are just funny shaped clouds ;-P