Monday, January 18, 2010

Cars, boats and trains.

The sky as I walked to work.

Unfortunately it didn't stay that way...

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I took this photo for my colleague Bjorn who likes Mustangs. I like them a lot myself as well and this was just sad. It's a shit model anyway. I think they lost track in the Mustang-line at some stage but I think the last couple of years they been OK again.

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The emblem.

Close to where my ferry docks Greenpeace's Sirius is docked. I don't think they are using it much these days... dunno why, it looks in fine condition.

A little ferry (not mine) and the Psycho Cowboy sub in the background.

In the afternoon I went to my folks in Alkmaar to get ready to receive my goods from Australia which were about to be delivered. This is an old train from the 1950's. Indestructible, there's still lots of them around.

A much newer ICE train. Nice rides.

In Alkmaar my bed was ready (Thanks mom!) :-)

There was still lots of ice today, really incredible slippery ice too...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

@Mustang: Forlorn Glory (but it is butt ugly)
