Sunday, March 21, 2010

The trip to town.

Horrible flashbacks at the end of my street...

I went in to town with Nic.

The weather was glorious, it was warm! The canals looked beautiful.

Shocking news! I went to Wagamama and I did NOT order chicken katsu curry! Instead I tried the chili men and I have to say it was very nice.

The waga kitchen.

The lizards at Leidseplein.

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Another beautiful canal.

There was a premiere at Tuschinki theatre. Some dragon movie I never heard of.

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Then we went to James Gate and I had Magners cider. I loooove Magners. But 1 pint costs 7.50 euro :-(

I bought settlers of Catan.

I cooked chicken siam tonight.

Three portions to take to work.

1 comment:

Gledwood said...

Judging by the top pic, I thought you'd gone to London for a sec there, mate...(!!)