Friday, April 16, 2010


A very nicely converted building near my work. I believe it's home to MTV Netherlands and other TV stations.

Trees are budding.

I went to Mulligans after work. Because the folk band is stranded due to the Iceland volcano, they hired some SALSA band. I didn't like it much.

Magners is offering new pint glasses.


Unknown said...

MTV is not in that building, at least one TV production com[any is. The construction where the building stands on is massive concrete where a big crane used to move to and fro on.

Unknown said...

THe building is known as "Het Kraanspoor' and won a few prices. (Prizes?). THis might be a picture as it original was :

angeli said...

The ashes have impacted our lives too... Friends were supposed to arrive from NL tomorrow, but they're flights have been canceled. I wonder how long it will take before air traffic resumes over Europe? What are the "experts" saying over there?

Vincent said...

@ G: Oh, I stand corrected then :-)

@ Angeli: I just read that the flying ban has been extended till 8PM today. They have no clue really and the volcano just keeps spewing...