Friday, December 17, 2010

Bloody snow edition.


Obviously it has snowed over night.

I left a trail.

Sampson was moved again but is still there. It's such an awesome ship.

When I walked in to my office I was greeted by a snowman.

Two colleagues had their birthday and treated everybody at chocolate covered cookies with gold and silver sprinkles.

In the meantime a snow storm has arrived and I couldn't even see across the water anymore...

The guys from the hardware dept. downstairs found a car, a rope and a snowboard (coz we got that stuff lying around everywhere...) and had a bit of fun. We had fun watching them fall ;-)

The view eventually got even worse.

Around home-time it had stopped snowing but by then there was already 15-20cm of snow. It was bound to screw up traffic and public transport...

... and yes, the train station was nuts. Luckily I only walk through it.

The best way to walk in town was on the tram track. I like walking in the tracks. It's clean and nobody else walks there.

I Amsterdam

Bicycles. The streets were incredibly slippery. We've only had winters like these for the last 5000 years so we haven't quite figured out yet how to deal with weather like this... Maybe some day.

I bought a piping hot stir fry on the way to...

... the pub! It was nice and quiet. Max was working. I had 2 pints of cider and a coffee before I made my way home.

When I got home I found a card from my mom and dad. Thanks! :-)


Gledwood said...

We got snow. I was asleep. Someone fell over in it right in front of me. I had no spex on (blind as a bat, me). So I don't know if he glared at me or not.
It's not that cold though. Feels far less cold than it was WITHOUT snow...

marian said...

leuk de sneeuwman in hal, ja het is echt dikke winter, zoveel sneeuw in jaren niet gehad, maar wel mooi buiten. groetjes.