Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The souvenir

I took the day off today because the weather was too nice and I wanted to catch some rays before winter starts next week!

I went shopping in the morning. This is around the corner of my house.

In the afternoon I went to Marjolein. At the station I saw these tourists. The lady had picked up a nice little souvenir in Pisa by the looks of it... Nice and easy to carry around to the other cities in Europe you're going to visit.

Marjolein and I went to the beach. It was nice and quiet.

When we cycled home we saw these Scottish beasts. They seem to quite like it here.

Then my phone magically started acting up. Major WTF?! However, after installing an update of a weather app (buienradar) it worked fine again. Weird shit.


Anonymous said...

I like you little garden, and your sence of humor ( Pisa lady)LOL...love from Croatia - Vukovar!
Vicky x

Vincent said...

@ Vicky: Thanks! :-) I hope you are doing well :-)