Tuesday, September 6, 2011


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SCH54 "Franziska" is lying next door for a bit of a face-lift.

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This used to be the nose of a ship. It's been removed and made in to a monument. However, it looks shit and was treated accordingly. A while ago it was tipped over and after having been tipped over for nearly a year it was finally removed and taken to our neighbours.

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I never knew it was a monument. Apparently it was erected early 90's...

The Swan family is still complete. Good to see :-)

I left work a bit early so I could buy some wire nuts. I took the power off and wanted to do this while it was still a bit light.

In the red circle are 2 black wires each coming out of it's own pipe. I noticed this and instantly got very happy because...

... outside at the back there are also 2 wires coming out of 1 pipe each! And I still needed to find a way to bring electricity to the back for when I'm going to build my shed! Looks like I've found a way now! :-)

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