Thursday, March 29, 2012

The plumbing

My upstairs neighbour called a plumber because she heard bubbling sounds. The plumber asked for me (being the occupant of the bottom floor apartment) to be home as well. Sure enough he came to have a look at the main drain.

It would only take an hour but then 1 hour became 2 and then they needed to go in with a camera and 2 became 3 and 3 became 4. Even the sewer outside was opened to check stuff. The plumber had a real hard time putting a finger on the cause until my neighbour and him communicated a bit more or better or whatever but apparently she has 2 drains coming together in 1, too small, pipe. Yeah, no shit that it bubbles, Sherlock!

I worked home for the rest of the day. I only had mind numbing translation work to do.

Outside a pigeon peacefully walked past, looking for a bit to eat. Until some cow with a noisy suitcase came along and scared it away. She nearly scared me away too!

I noticed that suddenly my all the leaves on my rose have opened. Nice :-)

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