Friday, September 27, 2013

The Trivial Pursuit

My neighbours have made a little urban garden as well. Or maybe the city council did. It looks like a standard council garden. Hope they'll put nice plants in it.

I was flabbergasted when I entered my tram this morning. It was totally EMPTY! WHAT? Yes, empty! Holy mother Mary and baby Jesus!

This building has reopened in to something. Dunno in what, possibly a hotel. It looks great!

When I went home this busker was playing at the ferry. Wasn't bad actually.

Everybody who gave him any change was allowed to take a cd. In it was a little paper explaining about the Amsterdam city council's stupid regulations on electrically amplified busking. It is stupid indeed...

At home I had a quick shower and then Marjolein arrived and we walked to Ruud and Laurien to have awesome dinner and play some trivial pursuit. Marjolein likes their cats ;-)

Marjolein, yours truly and Ruud. It was a fun night :-)

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