Tuesday, January 15, 2008

If you can't beat them...

Nicole on the phone with AAPT or Telstra, I can't remember. AAPT are absolute cnuts. We phoned them about 7 times now and WITHOUT exception the waiting time before you get to speak to the first person is 50 minutes give or take 4 minutes. When I called, I had to wait the standard 50 minutes PLUS another 55 minutes before I got put through to the NEXT person, who basically could do fuck all for me. Very, very disappointing.

Our talks with street personnel AND people on the phone from Telstra on the other hand has been wonderful. They seem a little bit more expensive but at least when you call them you got someone talking to you within 5 minutes.

So today we cancelled our order with AAPT and we will sign up with Telstra the coming days.

Even in The NL I have not seen customer service as bad as displayed by AAPT and that says a LOT!

Good times, Terry. Good times.

Good times arrived indeed in the form of our first belongings. It was the box we sent while at my folks' place. It contained some paperwork, modeltrain stuff (pretty exciting for me), a few books and... coats, one of them being my Mulligans bomber jacket. I love that jacket to bits but god knows when I'll be wearing it here.

The rest of the day was a bit boring. When that happens we usually play solitaire on our computers (not quite the same as World of Warcraft but alas) or...

... we watch TV. The Australian open is on and with my new found interest in tennis this can be rather an entertaining activity.


Gledwood said...

What on earth is AAPT or Telstra?

Something to do with broadband or cable tv?

marian said...

het eerste pakket is er eindelijk, wanneer de rest??
een vreselijke natte dag hier, hele dag gegoten, en heel veel wind.
groetjes ma en pa.

Vincent said...

@ Gled: Telstra used to be the only phone company here. They own the cables. A few years ago the government ruled that there could be more phone companies. They use Telstra's lines though. AAPT is one of those.

@ Ma: Wisten we dat maar. Volgens de laatste berichten deze week of de volgende...

Anonymous said...

Sjeetje, dat dat pakketje er nu pas is... Dat moeten we even onthouden, als we ooit een pakketje opsturen.

Vincent said...

@ Ilse: Ja, 8 weken hadden ze ons gezegd. Daar viel m'n mond al van open. je denk toch dat we in een moderne tijd leven en zo. kost nog dik 50 euro ook om die doos te versturen. 10 weken deed ie er over. Zo snel als we NL verlieten zo langzaam lijken onze spullen er over te doen...

munchie said...

I'll ask my friend Andrew if he has a spare modem you can borrow.

I think I gave him my old one, but I'm sure he's not using it.

Vincent said...

@ Stephen: Thanks a lot mate, that's a very nice offer but we've decided to sit it out till next week when the Telstra dude will come by and after his visit it should all be easy going. ADSL 2, lighning fast etc etc...