Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The bakery run

We walked to the bakery around the corner to get some fresh bread. Yummy. On our way we saw these mushrooms.

The mushrooms are in this church's garden.

It's the second oldest church in South Australia.

It's very small and I think there's only 1 service a week.

Opposite is one of the many car yards of Main North Road.` They are all cheaper than the others. All of them. Someone has to explain to me how that works one day...

This is the bakery. It's a very nice little bakery with nice products. I'm a fan of their apfel strudel.

In the afternoon I worked on the drawers for our Ikea cupboard again.

I finished the outside. Now I have to make the drawers. I am very pleased with todays results. They have a nice tight fit.


Gledwood said...

that church looks v Victorian...

Apple computers... we saw someone with one of them 2cm thick notebooks the other day. Cost 1600 Euros in Paris, so we heard...(!!)

Friðvin said...

They have a nice tight fit.

Because you are a perfectionist!

Anonymous said...

Hey, das dat kerkje voor het huis!

Er vloog vandaag trouwens een varkentje door de brievenbus;-)
Ik zal er even een foto van nemen en die op mijn blog zetten, kan iedereen het varkentje aanschouwen:-)

Sneezer said...

I didnt know gledwood was soooo cute! He looks smart too!

Vincent said...

@ Gled: There's a lot of Victorian stuff here. One day Nic and I will head out to make pictures around town of old buildings. Even in almost abandoned industrial areas you can find amazing architecture here.

@ Kona: It's all in the preparation mate. I didn't chuck it together, like some people do. Instead, I thought about it for a while. Being precise in your measurements helps a lot as well as does having such a great cutting table.

@ Ilse: Ja! :-) Mooi varkentje he?