Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Cricket Match

I've started collecting photo's of Dutch trains. My plan is to one day start to make then in n-scale (1:160).

Karin's cricket team had to play their league's final today. It was 38C...

Her team actually won! Congratulations Karin!

Afterwards we were desperate for lunch as it was 14:30 and both Nic and I only had breakfast until then. We couldn't resist dessert...


kees said...

cannoli, Cannoli, CAnnoli, CANnoli, CANNoli, CANNOli, CANNOLi, CANNOLI, CANNOLI, CANNOLI...

i want !

Vincent said...

@ Kees: The crispy, sugar powdered outside tasted like a mixture of donut and oliebol. And the custard... hmmmmmmm. So, when are you coming over?

Gledwood said...

that cake looks ULTRA high quality... I've heard Aussie takeaway and restaurant food is best in the world... does this ring true to you? (I know you've not travelled the ENTIRE world but I mean from your experience...)

uh... 4got nearly what I was gonna prattle 'bout... RIGHT! trains!!

do you know an English 1970s train called a Deltic?

surely THEE bizarrest cassette tape I EVER encountered (at a jumble sale) was a sound recording of the engine from the last ever publically servicing Deltic on Britsh railways... I mean big wow... it's the sort of thing you could give to someone you really don't like for Xmas ;->...

Vincent said...

Australian food is generally of a high quality, even in pubs. You can't really claim that it's the best in the world anywhere though. As you travel you will find that almost every country has it's own specialties.

The worst about food in Australia (this goes for the USA as well) is the size. Everything you order is huge. Therefore ordering a starter and dessert is often too much which is a pity when you like to dine socially through 3 courses...

Never heard of that train. I prefer European mainland stuff, sorry. That cassette is a cracker. You must REALLY dislike someone to give that as a present.