Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The uber meat balls

Because we didn't really have any food left we had a brunch in the mall. This is a sandwich shop that I'm quite fond of.

Nicole at Woolies.

During walking Mason I sometimes encountered a bit of shade from the clouds.

Not that there were that many, it turned out to be another bloody hot (38C) day...

Some dogs love to stick their heads in plants.

At home we had to deal with the Dutch tax office, hopefully for the last time. Filling in the required pages took about 3 hours. Not too bad. I did have to make an additional phone call in the evening though to ask something.

My bottle of coke was also sweating in todays heat.

Job hunting continues. Send out my resume to 3 other recruiters today.

In the evening weird clouds formed above us.

It also smelled of smoke because the bush is on fire about 50 kilometers from here. Actually where we were driving in the hills the other day i believe. Or close anyway.

Nic is making some meatballs for tomorrow night. it's the last lawn bowls evening for now and we're gonna have a party!


marian said...

is het seizoen afgelopen, kunnen ze het niet binnen organiseren?
leuke avond gewenst!!
en succes met de belasting paparassen.
gr ma.

Vincent said...

@ ma: Nee, binnen gaat niet, daar zijn de banen te groot voor en er zijn er te veel van nodig. Ik snap niet waarom ze ophouden want ik zou zelf spelen zolang het weer goed blijft...

Anonymous said...

Ik wil ook bloody hot days hier... Liever bloody hot dan winderig en nat :(
