Thursday, March 13, 2008

The King of Bowls

Today, in the morning, we drove to another chat with another recruiter. As long as no job is secured I'm gonna keep looking out for work.

When we came home after the interview it was so hot outside that we let Mason into our flat. He showed an interest in a really thick electronics book. I reckon he's gonna be a professor one day.

Mason enjoyed the nice air conditioned coolness of our flat.

Someone else, that we were unaware of until I moved a pair of shoes, was also enjoying the coolness of our flat: A little baby lizard/salamander/gecko came from underneath the cupboard. You can't see much detail coz my camera stinks but it was really cool to see. It had little toes and very big eyes.

In the afternoon I had a second interview with another possible employer. This is the view from the waiting room.

In the evening it was time for bowls again. because it was the last night they had added a few funny rules. This way I became skipper (last team member to bowl) on end 4. And I had my best bowl ever. The opponent team made a beautiful bowl which landed on the left of the Jack (aka "Kiddie"). But then mine landed right on it's front door and ended up leaning on it! Can't beat it. I was very proud. (I wasn't very proud when we had to bowl left handed though...)


marian said...

leuk zo'n huisdier!! adelaide was in het journaal vanwege de extreme warmte ook de komende dagen, wens jullie veel koelte toe !!!!
gr ma

Vincent said...

@ ma: Ja, als ik later groot ben wil ik 2 honden :-)