Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The food court

During lunch today I discovered a food court. You don't really see these in The NL. It's like an enclosed area with around 20 different places where you can get food ranging from greasy snack bar type stuff to super healthy salads etc. A lot of Asian food is available. Yuuuuumm.

I got some Thai beef action for $7, very nice!

On the way back there was more fire truck action going on. Luckily tax payers money was only wasted on a false alarm...


munchie said...

I recommend you check out the "Gourmet Glaze" donut place in the City Cross food court.

We order a couple of boxes for morning tea at work every now and then - and I've never seen food devoured so quickly!

Mmmmmmm, donuts.

kees said...

Reading the above comment I'm thinking "munchie" is a very appropriate name...