Saturday, May 3, 2008

The new lawnmower.

To start the day we moved some palms out of the garden. No more sharp palm leaves poking me when I walk past. They found a nice new place in the driveway.

I need to keep my driving going so we went everywhere today. One destination was Norwood.

I bought a few magazines. The model railroad magazine is from the UK and at the top is says "5 great layouts - UK & European". I feel a bit sad for the english to feel this way. Apart from that I find it really STUPID!

And also some new shirts.

Before Norwood we went to Bunnings where I bought a little lawnmower. This one requires muscle power (not much really) instead of fuel and it much LESS noisy.

Here's Nicole trying out the new lawnmower, she liked it a lot and instantly mowed half the garden :-)

In the evening I played World of Warcraft with my guild. It was fun. We went into a dungeon called "Karazhan" and encountered a few of these particularly sexy dressed but very deadly characters. Here we see one of our warriors, Chins, carefully chopping one up. Chop, chop :-)

This is the team that I played in last night. I'm the tree. Yesh, a tree!

Here's a close up showing three very different characters. I'm a druid and druids can shapeshift into other forms. In the picture before this one, you also see a huge owl-like character, that's also a druid. As I am a healer (I don't deal damage, instead I heal the players around me), I sometimes take on tree-form as it increases my healing abilities. In the middle we see two cute blood elves and on the right there is a troll which I personally find the ugliest characters around ;-)

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