Friday, April 25, 2008

Mason Dalí / Scab : Off

SCAB TIME, ENJOY! This was right before it came off today, more than a week after the fatal slip while walking Mason... Scab free at last!

Today was a public holiday (Anzac day) here. Yes, ex-colleagues who are reading this, Australia has about twice as many pub. hols than The NL! ;-) (And if one of em is on a weekend, it moves to the first monday after!) Anyway, because of this I could walk Mason again. Here we are getting ready.

Mason finally sniffing trees again.

I made this picture whilst walking. It looks like Dalí shot it...

It was very cloudy today. Aparently it's like this every Anzac day.

Somewhere funny things were growing in the grass.

Mason waited at every curb.

We walked past Caesar again and said hello.

Somewhere along the way a cat started following us. He thought Mason was very interesting, or maybe it was looking to pick a fight or something.

At the end of the afternoon Mason had to go home so it was back into the boot of the car for him.

Back at the ranch I fiddled around with my to-build power supply.

I did a lot of driving today. When driving to Semaphore we saw this train. Absolutely fascinating of course.


Anonymous said...

Ouwe knutselaar.. je bent nog geen ruk veranderd ;-)

Kun je een beetje goeikoop aan zonnepanelen komen daar? Ik heb er over gedacht het dak er mee vol te plempen, maar het duurt hier een jaar of 15-20 voor je ze terugverdient hebt. En dan moeten ze wel blijven werken..

Laptop besteld, binnenkort misschien skypen.

Vincent said...

@ Mic: Ja, heb toch een voeding nodig he.. ;-) Zonnepanelen, erg gaaf. Al gekeken wat de garantie termijn is? Zou wel eens heeeel lang kunen zijn, langer dan 15-20 jaar. Het is best duur maar alleen al vanwege het millieu en onafhankelijk zijn vind ik het de investering waard.

Anonymous said...

Gatver! Wat een ranzige foto van die knie...