Thursday, July 24, 2008


Just incase you are too stupid to know how to make a wrap, here's how to do it.

It was f@#$ing cold this morning. There was frost on the grass in the park when we drove in to the city. A colleague told me about cars with ice on the windscreen!

Someone please remind me of why I moved here again...

At work things turned for the better. We now have our own phone. If I give you my number, you can call me directly! But I'm not, sorry :-P

In the evening we went out for drinks and food with Nicole's colleagues a bit. I met some nice people.


kees said...

You emigrated to Oz because Nicole wanted to go there. Secretly you always wanted Oz to be nearer to Antarctica so the winters would be colder and you could ice-skate on the frozen St Vincent's Gulf.

Admit it!

Vincent said...

@ Kees: Nope, all wrong ;-P