Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Lets play Bowls!

Today was the kind of official opening of the bowls season for my team. Finally we could enter the green again, have a beer and bowl some ends. Karin seems to anxiously await what's coming ;-)

Gav doing a practise bowl. We were well on time so we bowled for almost 30 minutes before the real start.

My orange bowls stood out a fair bit between all the black and brown ones. The blue ones belong to Darryl and they're the only other coloured bowls I saw tonight.

Darryl (centre) with his female colleagues actually named the team "Dazza and his daisies". Hilarious. Richard(left), myself (less left), Tony (kinda middle) and Gavin (right) are the "Bowls squad".

We had a very good time and the bowling wasn't bad at all.


Anonymous said...

I know this is gonna look weird but I love your orange balls. Finally some color! :-)


marian said...

mooi de oranje ballen, vallen goed op, maar bier op het veld???
gr ma.

Vincent said...

"Bowls", not "balls". The bowls are not round but one side is flatter than the other. That's why they curve.

But thanks for the compliments :-)

@ ma: Ja, dat mag allemaal he :-)

Christiaan said...

De kleur van de bowls is ok, maar wat je er nu eigenlijk mee moet ik me geheel onduidelijk. Je moet er bier bij drinken, dat snap ik dan weer wel.

Vincent said...

@ Christiaan: I'll explain in English so hopefully more people will understand:

- Two teams, 4 people each, 2 bowls per person.
- People stand at one end, the jack (target ball, aka "kiddie") lies on the other end.
- Teams try to get as many bowls as close to the jack as possible.
- The winning team's score is the amount of bowls closest to the jack before the other team's closest. So if the first and second closest are for team A and the third closest id for team B, team A scores 2 points.

If well played, it's a tactical game where people can play on the jack, bowl to block opponents or 'drive' to hit another bowl out of the way.

The game requires skill more than anything else (power or intelligence). The bowls roll in a curve. How big the curve is depends on the kind of bowl.

And yes, while not playing but cheering for your team mates (and opponents - because a good bowl is always appreciated!) you have a few sips.

I hope this is clear :-)

Anonymous said...

I've seen it while visiting friends in the UK. Over there it was only played by elderly men though. All 65+ (at least).


Anonymous said...

Goede keuze, die oranje ballen, (flits, klap!), ze vallen mooi op en (flits, klap!) geven het veld wat kleur en lang leve het(flits, klap!) vaderland!

Leuke foto van (flits, klap!) iedereen:-)

(Het onweert enorm!)

Vincent said...

@ Jo: Reputation has it that it's an old folks sport but there are quite a few younger people playing as well. The Australian women's team I believe has a 16 year old girl bowling even.

@ Ilse: Hier nog weinig onweer meegemaakt eigenlijk. Oranje is op de eerste plaats een mooie en opvallende kleur. Ik heb nooit erg veel vaderlandse gevoelens gekoesterd ;-P