Saturday, October 18, 2008

Swimming with Sharks

Two doves in our garden recently became parents. Their eggs hatched a few days ago and their babies are already quite big and their eyes have opened too.

Here's mum or dad (can YOU tell the difference?!) who came back for some feeding. During the day they don't really sit on the nest anymore. It's very warm so they babies won't get cold.

We went to the post office to post stuff and pay bills.

It was a very warm day (27C inside our flat!) and in the evening I just wanted to swim in the sea. I just had to. It was calling me :-)

Right. I was going to write about a fin that we saw in the distance. About twice as far away from the beach as I was. It was definitely not the dolphins but we didn't think it was a shark either. They spotted a great white last week but that would've been gone by now and you don't get many great white's here.

So out of curiosity I check the news and guess what?

It was a f*cking shark. And not a toy shark either. Actually even bigger than the one we had last week aparently. It must've been about 100 metres away from me. Check the story in our quality news paper or look at more photos.

It also explains why we saw a speed boat racing towards the area where we saw the shark. Probably police or something. The scary thing is that there was also a guy on a jet-ski that we couldn't find anymore when we left.



munchie said...

Not sure if you've seen the movie "Jaws", but Steven Spielberg filmed the big nasty (real) shark scenes in South Australian waters (not too far from Adelaide as the shark swims).,9171,913189-1,00.html

Moral of the story is... if you see a fin in the water, GET OUT FAST.

Anonymous said...


kees said...

What a great time for shark fin soup...

Vincent said...

@ Stev-o: I never seen a shark fin before but now that I know I'll be out of the water for sure! I thought it was a whale-tail before.

CRAIG said...

....if I saw any tail sticking out of the water I'd haave a hard time getting in right then.

I saw a fascinating show about sharks -discovery or something- anyway they can sense the electrical pulses in our muscle! So you can't even "play" dead.