Thursday, October 16, 2008

Farewell Mr/Ms pigeon

Lunchtime was spent at Victoria square again. Just because it's awesome. It's sunny, warm, dry and peaceful. And the sound of the water is soothing, it makes you calm and relaxed. I ate a baguette with salami and I had a bottle of Nippy's orange juice.

When the benches are full, people plonk down in the grass. Under a tree, nice in the shade.

At home we've had a bit of a drama since the beginning of the week. Last Sunday this pigeon all of the sudden showed up with a broken leg. It managed to hop around on one leg the first few days but as of yesterday it was officially going down hill rapidly. When I came home it sat under or near the apricot tree and I gave it a bowl of water but he/she didn't want any. We went to the beach tonight to breathe some fresh sea-air and when we came back I checked and I think there's no life in it any more. I'm not a big fan of the pigeons in our garden coz they shit all over the place but I am still sad for this one. I hope it will reincarnate in to something nice.


kees said...

All pigeons reincarnate as rats, mammals being of a higher status than birds...

Christiaan said...

We have a nest of koolmezen (great tits) in our backyard every year. I like to think that the pigeon will reincarnate next spring as one of the little birds in that nest.

Vincent said...

@ Christiaan: I tell you a few funny things: We also have a dove in the garden sitting on at least 2 baby doves. I think they were born just before the pigeon died though...

Also, check out this, this and this blog entry to read about a little baby bird that died last christmas and the little 'musje' that came to sit on my shoulder afterwards.