Friday, October 17, 2008

We have sun


Someone dumped 500 kilos of bread in the park. I think all the pigeons in 1 square mile must have come over for the party.

Speaking of pigeons, the one featured in yesterday's blog got buried at the crack of dawn today. It indeed died before we went to bed last night, in peace, under the tree.

For some reason there were TV crews around the place. This one is from ABC.

It may have had to do with this bunch of people. I have no idea what it was about. I heard something about poverty...

After work I waited for Nicole outside at Victoria square and spotted another one of her ads driving past.

We drove down to Henley beach to get some Thai food.

The ground floor of the building in the distance houses the Thai Orchid, our new favourite Thai restaurant as of late.

This is the view from there.

After dinner we walked up the jetty and we saw this dude going for a swim with his two dogs.

The beach was actually quite busy. Funnily enough I was saying to a colleague this afternoon how few people there are at the beaches here usually. I think this is the second time I jinxed myself this week.

Looking down the jetty.

Looking to the North.


The railing of the jetty is worn by ropes from fishermen pulling in their crab nets.

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