Monday, November 3, 2008

The art-tarts

The fountain was being cleaned so it was off. Two guys were actually sitting in the top but I didn't photograph them.

Christmas is coming and you WILL know it!

Monday night = PJ's night.

There was this person sitting next to me and she just kept staring at me...

Bruschetta. It's just amazing.

While we were eating our main's this group of art students came in. It went like this: BLAH BLAH BLAH DEE BLAHBLAH. BLAH? AHUH BLAH. BLAAAAAAH BLAHBLAH. OH BLAH. BLAH BLEE BLUH BLOH BLAH. BLOOB BLOOB BLAH DEE BLAHAH. BLAH.
Incredibly interesting conversation. I'm sure they're just lovely people once you get to know them.

1 comment:

kees said...

If that were BLAHs with rising inflection at the end of the sentence they were Ozzies. ;-)