Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The rainbow

The Christmas tree was decorated for one third today. Going well guys!

I saw a very flat rainbow. I think it's god saying it's all OK again after he has punished people by having them lunch at Burger King (that's where it was in front of).

After work I drove to lawn bowl by bus and took a few shots at the stops.

In front of a university building I believe.

In front of the hospital.

Our opponents didn't show up tonight which resulted in an instant win. We split up our team and played two versus two.

Gavin and I were behind by 4-19 before the break. After the break we had a miracle come back and won by one point: 23-22. It was very exciting.

1 comment:

kees said...

If your opponents were the blue-rinse brigade, you should probably look in the hospital...