Thursday, April 1, 2010

ChipSki day 1.

This magical wrist band will get me free food and drinks the next couple of days in Zell am See, Austria.

Blizzard pulled a few April's fools jokes today. The armory was showing every character as a walrus...

In the meantime George was showing something to colleagues. Personally I find it looks a bit dodgy but that could be me...

Another Blizzard April's fool joke: The EPEEN.

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At work, copius amounts of pizza and other food were being delivered between 16:30 and 17:30. Around 18:00 the busses left to take us to Central Station.

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It was all very... yellow.

Yellow was just everywhere.

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We waited for our Alps=express train that would take us to Zell am See, Austria.

There it is!

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10 wagons we occupied. This was the bar wagon.

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It stayed busy theree until closing time at 1AM. People went to sleep pretty right after.

Except for our cabin where I was teaching my cabin-mates the fine art of poker *grin* (I won 3 tournaments in a row that night).

My colleague Sylvester has ways of getting money to play more poker.


Martje said...

Ziet er gezellig uit, alleen volgens mij vind je arm de vip armband niet zo lekker zitten:-)

marian said...

is het een beetje gezellig met die gele horde daar???

Vincent said...

@ Martje: Het is ook gezellig. De armband zit wel OK hoor, die raak ik in ieder geval niet kwijt ;-)

@ Ma: Jahoor, zolang ik maar niet in het apres-ski rookhol opgesloten zit met 200 dronken mensen gaat alles goed :-)