Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Peter-Paul plant

(Click to enlarge)
This is my plant that is like a pet to me. I have it for over 10 years now. It was given to me by a colleague called Peter Paul. I hope he's reading this ;-) _o/

When I got the plant it was 3 cm tall. Over the years it grew and grew and just before I went to Australia it was massive and very healthy. Lots of thick, green leaves. Then when I left it was given to somebody to look after it because I couldn't take it with me. Soon after my return it was given back to me. It looked out of control, 80% of the leaves had turned RED and it didn't look happy. Rather awful actually.

A few weeks ago I pruned it quite drastically creating lots of open spaces for it to grow new branches. It is now doing exactly that. It's looking healthy again and all over the place new bits are growing. It's turning GREEN again and it looks happy.

My plant likes me :-)

I started organizing my coin collection. It's still messed up because the Australian movers SUCKED DOGS BALLS!

My mom and dad came over. We had lunch together and talked a lot about lots of things.

Early evening I renewed my public transport card. On my way home I encountered a lot of riot police. They went to (try to) kick out squatters somewhere...


Gledwood said...

That looks a beautiful building to squat in..!

I got a plant today. Tried googling it, couldn't find it. It's some sort of succulent. Was on sale with cactuses. It has tiny red flowers on the top about 12 little red flowers, really tiny and cute...

Vincent said...

@ Gleds, that's not actually the building they squatted.... They have been kicked out by now, the news said.

marian said...

sta er weer mooi op.......