Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Back to normal, well, for us anyway.

Back to everyday life again. This means sleeping till 9 o'clock, have breakfast, use computers, shower, shopping and then we have the afternoon "off" to do whatever else we can think of. It's a hard life you know...

Nicole is desperate for new sunglasses. Obviously this pair looks funny but will NEVER make it.

I remember Tandy used to be a world wide chain of electronics shops. Now they apear to be only in Australia and I believe in Asia too.

I read the paper while Nicole went on a shopping frenzy into Woolies. Her shopping is much more relaxed when I'm not with her coz I am a pushy bastard...

After I spent all afternoon sorting out blog pictures we thought we'd have dinner at Cena, a mediterranean cafe close by. It was rather full but we managed to get a good table at the side where it's nice and quiet.

After Cena we went to Cibo (who makes up these names?!) to get an icecream. Ace (pronounced ah-tsjeh) has to be your choice because nothing beats it. This of course totally depends on your taste.

This is the view over Adelaide from Colonel Light's vision's statue. Colonel Light was the man who designed the old city of Adelaide. He did a very decent job on that by the way. The big lights that you see are the lights from the Adelaide Oval cricket grounds.

As the statue is up a pretty decent hill, the local scouts took blocks of ice and raced down the hill sitting on them. I guess if you can't get snow you just bring your own frozen stuff. pretty cool.

I took this photo especially for Ilse. They put the Christmas tree up last weekend. I remember Nicole, Ilse and I walked around it 3 years ago.

The political change here is incredibly refreshing. Where former Prime Minister John Howard was only taking the country back into the dark ages, the new Prime Minister Kevin Rudd signed the Kyoto agreement 2 hours after he was sworn in. The deputy Prime Minister (aka vice president) is a woman for the first time ever here and one of the new ministers is not only a woman, not only born asian, but she also has a female partner. I am incredibly pleased with this as gay marriage is unfortunately still not recognised here.


Gledwood said...

Hey Vincent I didn't even know your blog EXISTED till just now. I am putting you in my linxx then.

Sunglasses: no

Tandy: we had one near us but it's closed down now... I think in America it is called Radio Shack ..(??)

Xmas tree: v nice!

Sneezer said...

nicole looks like the queen bee!

i remember tandy as well as radio shack but indeed radio shack survived.

have you snorkled yet?

Anonymous said...

Great christmastree! I remember it, nice to take that photo for me, Vince:-)

Vincent said...

@ Gled: Howdo mate? I hope you like it!

@ Sneezer: She's the queen allright! ;-)

@ Ilse: Yeah, I thought you'd like to see that.

Anonymous said...

ja alle leuke dingen duren meestal maar kort, maar jullie hebben het leuk gehad, jullie krijgen een prachtig bed, doe je er ook nog iets aan?
gr. ma

Vincent said...

@ ma (anon): Ik doe er weinig aan eerlijk gezegd behalve dan dat ik de goede ideeen heb doorgegeven. Je loopt elkaar in de weg in de schuur en Nic d'r vader is niet de meest communicatiefvaardige dus dat werkt onprettig. Ik heb wel gevraagd of ik kon helpen trouwens maar dat was niet nodig. Hij doet elke dag een beetje en hij lijkt er wel plezier in te hebben.