Thursday, December 6, 2007

The desertwind

They forecasted a hot day today and for once they were right. By 9:30AM it was 30 degrees Celcius.

Since it was still nice and cool in the house everybody stayed inside as much as possible. Especially Nicole coz she's down with the flu.

I worked on my CV today, I reckon it's almost finished.

By 11:30AM the temperature had risen to 35 degrees Celcius.

Looking up to the sky you wonder how it could possibly be that hot. This was because there was a very strong wind coming from the desert today.

It was a rather weird experience for me. These kinds of clouds usually mean rain, cold, winter, storm etc.

The strom came eventually, there was even some rain. The sky was beautiful.

This sky too!

I kept myself busy by working on my coffeetable model railroadtrack. It's coming along well. I'm going to think of the table itself now soon.


Gledwood said...

Did it touch 40C at last?

marian said...

wat een vreemd weer daar, maar mooie wolken, het was vast erg benauwd, gaat het al beter met nicole?
gr, ma.

Sneezer said...

i'm hugely fond of the sky and weather. you can actually feel it brewing.

Anonymous said...

Gaaf die wolken!

Vincent said...

@ Gled: Nah, but a rise from 30 to 35 in 2 hours is not bad is it? ;-)

@ Ma: Het was ontzettend benauwd. Maar als je binnen zat en alles zat potdicht, dan viel het reuze mee. Nicole was toch ziek dus we waren de hele dag thuis.

@ Sn33z0r: Yeah, you could.

@ Ilse: Raar he? Leek wel of ik in World of Warcraft zat (die hebben ook zulke wolken op sommige plaatsen)