Sunday, December 30, 2007

My best friends

We desperately needed new chairs to sit at our desk so it was off to IKEA!

Aparently even more popular than the beach today.

I guess they like IKEA's airconditioning better than the beach. Well, so did I hehe.

We found great seats. They're green, firm and quite basic but they are adjustable in height and angle, rather comfy.

I domesticated mine right away by throwing my clothes over it.

In the evening we went to the Thai around the corner ("corner" should be taken a bit larger than in Amsterdam as it was a couple of blocks away but still walkable).

Here we see Nicole busting her brains on what to order.

This shows a bit of the interior. Also rather simple but nice. The food was alright too although they used chicken thigh fillet instead of breast, which I prefer a LOT more. Maybe I'll try beef next time.

This is my numero uno best friend right now: The Airconditioner. Today it was about 39 in our garden, crazy.

My other best friend is this spraycan of Morteine. It kills every insect I see flying. I reckon it will cause cancer in 40 years time...

Guest blogger NICOLE: "CAPTIV8" parked in the IKEA parkinglot.


Anonymous said...

Je mag inderdaad wel blij zijn met die airco, t is weer erg heet bij jullie. Hier is het prima weer en morgen mooi droog met oud en nieuw:-)

Friðvin said...

We got an IKEA store here about a year ago and I haven't even been to it. It's WAY the hell up north of where we live.

Hey, question for you Vincent. Do you drive at all or does your chauffeur handle that? I was wondering if it's a problem adjusting to the British system, driving on the left and steering wheel on the right?

I rented a car once in London and I really don't know if I could EVER adjust. I kept hitting the curb. We need ONE universal standard! :lol:

Gledwood said...


Ik heb nu het spraak van haare majestaat Koningin Beatrix van de Nederlands op mijn blog gethingied!

Kom en sihen het!
Het is well lekker!

Goede niew jaar 2008
tot U en Nicole!

van Gledwood
"vol 2"...


Anonymous said...

Hier stond gisteren een snelweg dicht, omdat er zoveel mensen weer naar de Ikea moesten. De parkeerplaatsen waren opperdepop en dus ontstond er een file op de snelweg. Belachelijk! Ik zou er trouwens agressief van worden; al die jankende kinderen en rennende en duwende huisvrouwen. Depressieve mannen met het karretje in de gangpaden, die dramatisch uit hun ogen kijken omdat ze zijn meegsleept door moeder de vrouw. Wat een hell moet het zijn voor die mannen!

Vincent said...

@ Ilse: De Ikea hier valt wel mee. Maar files op de snelweg is wel belachelijk. Ik geloof dat ik dat op had gelezen trouwens.

@ Kona: No mate, I actually don't have a license as it was completely useless in Amsterdam and it's incredibly expensive to get in The NL. I am however getting ready to get my learner plates here because a car is a bit more of a neccesity here, like in the usa I reckon.

You seem to get used to driving on the "wrong" side pretty quick though. I'm looking right first mostly now when I cross the street. before it used to be a bit dangerous for me to cross sometimes ;-)

@ Gled: I can't believe howmuch Dutch you speak. "Lekker" means tasty though. I think you meant "leuk" which means fun.