Thursday, January 3, 2008

Tassie crushed

We had a really nice cool night, I slept fantastic for 9 long hours without waking up (I think) and around 11 o'clock it was 25C. Exactly how we like it.

Then after breakfast it was off to run some errands including a trip to the postoffice.

I tried a new applejuice that I now quite like. It's from Tasmania and it's coldpressed. I don't understand why that it special but it sure tastes good!

This is a photo of the entrance of our flat.


Sneezer said...

The crush looks like it would taste good with ice cold vodka tossed in for good measure.

gezellig little cottage

Nicole said...

The Hobbit home.

Vincent said...

@ Sn33Z0r: It is gezellig but it's not done yet. Where those plants are is where the little garden will be.

I'm not a big fan of vodka.

Gledwood said...

Oooo! A cold day for once...

hang on you're in Adelaide... that is NOT the hottest place in Aus... that means the rest of the country must be BOILING..!!






Vincent said...

@ Gled: It differs a lot. The hottest place must be in the desert somewhere. it will therefore also be one of the coldest at night I think.

All the big cities get their heat in turns it seems. I remember Melbourne being very hot before we came here and Adelaide got some (again next week - 41C!) and Perth also gets a more than decent share of heat. Even 43 I believe.

It's all very different from Europe. Completely different dangers that come with this weather. I still have to get used to it a bit...