Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The new blinds

Look, it's a road!

We were told about this awesome super huge mall with almost only supercheap outlets for big brands. Everybody seems to love this place.

It sucked.

Lala (from the Teletubbies) was driving alongside. (Really it was 2 bimbo's with a sense of humour)

We park here a lot when going to Rundle mall.

Rundle mall towards Rundle street.

Rundle mall in the other direction.

Stairway to.... Radio Rentals!

I put up some blinds today to replace the curtain with. I must say that I did a rather good job!

We have 3 fridge magnets already. AZ!

Guestblogger ILSE send me this photo of the line-up infront of the "oliebollenkraam" in the mall close to my parents. This is crazy. Aparently he's very good but man, they can never bake em fast enough to serve these people hehe


Anonymous said...

Das netjes gedaan, die luxaflex! Ik heb dat ook weleens opgehangen en het is altijd zo'n priegelwerk. T moet precies gelijk en ik weet niet hoe dat komt, maar t is bij mij NOOIT recht. Ik denk dat dat komt omdat de aarde draait.

Kun je niet even wat foto's plaatsen van hoe het er nu binnen uitziet bij jullie?

Sneezer said...

hmmm, ik heb liever de appelflap

Vincent said...

@ Ilse: Ik zal wat foto's proberen te maken vandaag met een betere camera, dan zie je ze vanavond.

@ Sn33Z0r: Oh, those are also very good and of course not in this country...

Vincent said...

Yeah mate, but at least they have a sense of humor ;-)