Monday, December 10, 2007

The powerrrrrrrrrr chef

Early morning Tony was cutting some delicious pigs fat. This is the bit of pig that sits right under the skin. You know, the cute pink of the piggy. Underneath the pink the piggy is white. The layer of fat is about 3 cm thick and when cut in small cubes and then fried and what not aparently becomes a yummy snack.

I'm not convinced.

Now. I can hear you thinking, shees, what barbarians, what age do they live in to be eating pigs fat (eventhough just as a crispy little snack). It's not that bad I think because at least they'll eat the whole pig and not throw half away. And did you know that the people living close to or on the northpole will happily eat fat every day? It's their only source of fat you see.

Nic's mum was doing some power-cooking. I'm unaware of the results to be honest.

Outside the sun was shining. Surprise!

My to-become bonsais were all still there. They actually got a little friend today but I forgot to photograph it. Maybe tomorrow.

And then it was off in the car again. We didn't get the wood we needed. Also we didn't get the part for repairing our flyscreen-door. But I did buy myself a new cordless drill/driver and I'm very happy with it. It was only $98 which is about €60.

We drove and we drove and we drove. I'm actually getting a bit sick of driving around for bloody errands now but we have to get more stuff like bedlinen and pillowcases still...

This is becoming a pretty common view for me. Hmmm.


Friðvin said...

I have moved in so long I had forgotten how much driving is involved in getting yourself set up in a new home. I seem to recall it takes awhile!

Re: pig fat, that's very popular in the South where I grew up. My mother would use it frequently as a seasoning for beans, peas, whatever.

Of course she has had to mend her ways a bit when I'm visiting. :lol:

marian said...

wordt dat spek uitgebakken in de koekepan? wij aten dat vroeger met stroop en de naam was kaantjes.
de tas voor morgen is gepakt, moet om 11.00 uur in het m.c.a. zijn, dus vooerlopig het laatste comment.
groetjes aan allemaal.

Anonymous said...

Dat vet ziet er best ranzig uit... Heb je het gegeten? En zoja; hoe smaakte het?

Groetjes van je zussie:-)

Nicole said...

KONA - Re: pig fat. The same goes in Croatia. Basically, each winter the pigs would be slaughtered for meat and every part would be used for something. The fat was rendered for lard and some was cut into cubes and fried until it was crispy bits, salted and eaten in the winter with fresh bread. These days it's more a delicacy as people have more fruit, vegetables and healthier cuts of meat available to them.

I am always surprised how gross people find the slabs of fat, or fatty meat when they see it, and yet they are totally unaware as to what goes into the sausages and salami they eat.

I'll have to find a link to a sausage factory somewhere to show how many tendons, eye sockets, ears, snouts and anuses are happily consumed en mass.

Friðvin said...

anuses, yes consumption of that would just about encompass 100% usage of the pig.

I forgot to tell Vincent, I saw the Bosch drill, we got a Bosch dishwasher a few years back. Love it! They certainly manufacture a wide variety of products!

Vincent said...

@ ma: Daar had ik nog nooit van gehoord zeg. Je ziet ook niemand dat meer eten tegenwordig.

Ik dacht dat je operatie de 12de was? Sterkte in ieder geval!

@ Kona: Yeah, some companies are really diverse indeed. What do you think of Yamaha? Cars, motorbikes, water vehicles, HiFi equipment, acoustic intruments (i.e. piano's, and drum kits) and my own drumkit is an electric Yamaha kit. I'm sure they make more stuff.

@ Ilse" Nee, Ik heb het niet aangeraakt.

marian said...

de operatie is ook de 12e, maar heb nog een gesprek, en een laatste controle vandaag.
groetjea ma en pa.