Friday, January 25, 2008

The drive down the peninsula

Early morning. I wanted to remove the tape before we left for Yorke peninsula. It looks alright but unfortunately the tape ripped off some of the wall's paint...

Nicole quickly making a phonecall to Internode, the ISP we want to hook up with. Let's hope this can be done quickly.

Mason waving us goodbye as we drive out of the driveway.

Traffic was already busy. Standing next to a Adelaide rubbishtruck.

On our way. Small car, big car.

Irish people must have settled here first.

The skies were beautiful.

Arriving at our campingsite where we had hired a small bungalow for the weekend.

In the evening we visited Karin ex-colleague Trevor and his wife Sharon. Trevor drove us down the beach in his big-ass Toyota truck.


Unknown said...

Hi Vince, Tip: de tape moet je meteen verwijderen na het schilderen

Anonymous said...

De foto's zien er goed uit, mooi die blauwe zee ook. Hier is de zee nog steeds grauw.

Vincent said...

@ Gerrit: In ons laatste apartement hadden we na 3 jaar nog tape ergens ;-)

Bedoel je met meteen echt 'direct na het schilderen'?

Unknown said...

Ja, deirect naa het schilderen, als de verf nog nat is, omdat de tape van papier is zal er verf intrekken en zich verbinden met de verf op het hout.